What are Diatomic Molecules: All You Need to Know

diatomic molecules

Simply put, diatomic molecules have been formed of two atoms, either of the same or different chemical elements. Consider the diatomic molecule is made up of two atoms of the exact element origin, like Hydrogen and Oxygen. It would then be called homonuclear. However, the diatomic molecule in the said bond is non-polar. The periodic … Read more

DNA Replication Process

DNA Replication Process

The Introduction of the DNA Replication Process In all living things, the primary mechanism of replication comprises comparable steps. Because of this, we’ll look at the protein and enzyme replication mechanisms. Keep an eye on how they collaborate to achieve precise and complete DNA replication. Let learn what DNA is about before getting into the … Read more

Somatic Cells And Their Characteristics

Somatic Cells

Definition: Somatic cells The term “somatic” originated from the Greek word for “body.” Thus, somatic cells are the body cells that make up the tissues of multicellular organisms. All the types of cells come from somatic cells, except for germ cells. Somatic cells are diploids with two sets of chromosomes inherited from their parents, but … Read more

What is Negative Connotation? – Definition, Formula and Examples

Negative Connotation

What is a Negative connotation? A negative connotation is a bad or negative feeling or emotion that people get when they listen or read a particular word or a phrase. While writing, the writer needs to be very careful when selecting words that have negative meanings/connotations to avoid a negative impact on your reader. The … Read more