Do you make streaks with your friends? Or wondering how often Snap Scores update? Increasing snap score by sending and getting snaps from pals is one of the many reasons to enjoy Snapchat. However, the snap score is a mixture of the numbers of snaps sent and received. It is the best way of determining the user’s activity on this snap-sharing app. So in this blog, we will walk you through the extensive guide on how to use Snapchat to update its scores and other queries.
Furthermore, Snapchat is a fun app to share life moments by taking snaps. While most users make streaks by regularly sending snaps to their friends. Users also love to increase their snap score, as these are the points users use to verify their popularity. The app is receiving a lot of attention since its users have been experiencing issues related to their snap score. So let’s dive into the details.
What is Meant by Snapscore on Snapchat?
Due to the sheer number of users, Snapchat is undeniably one of the great social media platforms. Not only for youngsters, but the app is equally popular among all age groups. But have you ever heard of Snapchat’s secret handful feature? One such fine feature is the Snapchat score, also known as snap scores.
Every profile on Snapchat has some score, which can be determined by evaluating all the different stories and snaps a person has shared on a platform. However, these numbers can be calculated from the number of snaps sent and received. Although you can ensure your snap score from your account profile. Snapchat does not just count the scores from snaps sent and received but also examines your overall activity on Snapchat for the score. If you are an active user of Snapchat and engage in streaks, your snap score will be higher.
How Frequently Does Snap Scores Update on Snapchat?

When discussing the user’s score, it updates immediately once they send or view the snap. However, the app updates snap four times a day, and you can see your own score increase up to date four times a day, and your snap score updates each time you receive or send a snap, but the update time may differ.
In contrast, while your snap score may update daily, checking for a friend’s snap score, you may find that their score updates once or twice a week. We are not firm on why this is happening. But, sometimes, it happens due to some error, and you will have to shut and reopen the app to see the updated score. If you still see the same score, then do not panic. Many users have reported that they have been waiting for a long time to get the correct snap scores.
Moreover, the score may be boosted quickly after each action is finished on the platform, depending on your activity on the app. But, if you are heavily involved in Snapchat, then you may have a high score.
How to Improve Snapchat Snapscore?
You already use the app daily if you keep streaks with other users and friends. Also, your overall score will grow drastically if you have numerous streaks on Snapchat. Further, when you see any hack to increase the snap score, then don’t fall for it, as all of these are fraud. Moreover, people claim they know how to increase their score, but please don’t fall into these traps and do not pay any amount to them.
As it is pretty clear that snap score can only grow depending on your activity on the app, the more you exchange snaps, the higher your score will be. The other way to boost your score is to post stories, depending on the number of friends who interacted with your story. As a result, no one-of-a-kind method will help you boost your snap scores all at once. Therefore, you have to perform activities on the app regularly. Here are some ways that may help you:
- Start streaks with your friends and add more friends from the quick add option.
- Greet your friend daily and watch every story or snap that comes to you.
- You can also boost your score by following and engaging with celebrities.
Why is Snapchat failing to update Snap Scores?

Many people think that there might be a glitch with their accounts. But, this could occur for various reasons, and the biggest misunderstanding about Snapscores is that they update instantly, which they do not. While some users face these updates and see their scores go up or down right away. The general time frame would take at least a week.
Thus, if you have been regularly exchanging snaps with your friends, then make a note of your score and wait for seven days to see if it goes up. But, if you didn’t see any scores change, it might be due to other reasons. You can try the way to entirely turn off your phone and then restart it and check if the glitch is resolved.
Why Does My Snapchat Score Refresh Every time?
Snapchat refreshes every time a user gets or sends a snap. When a person looks at their own score, it should instantly increase when a snap is received or sent. For those searching for a friend’s Snapchat score, however, it can sometimes take hours or days to update. Snapchat will likely add a time buffer for when the publicly viewable score is refreshed. This assists in protecting each other’s activities.
Sometimes, the app will have to be shut down and reopened for the score to update, which can happen on Android and iOS. Further, if the app receives constant updates, the snap score will probably refresh every time.
How to see the Snap Scores on Snapchat
Now you know how scores are updated and why glitches appear. Now here we discuss how to find your own snap score. First, you have to view Snapchat, then move to your profile page by clicking on the circle icon at the upper left of the screen. On this screen, simply click on your bitmoji, and you will see your score beneath your display name.
Find your Friend’s Snapscore
Yeah, you can check your friend’s snap score. First, you have to view a chat with the person whose score you wish to check. Now, click on their profile icon either from your texts or the texts you have sent to the person. Next, check their snap score in the profile window that emerges. It will be next to their username on the upper right. Thus, you do not need to choose any of those menu items if you are just checking their scores. So just enter the “Back” option to shut the window on your phone. That’s it.
Final Words
Even though the snap scores under your bitmoji are of no use in real life. But, they are the key to determining the user’s social media popularity. But people often question how often snap scores update? So we have mentioned the best possible tips to boost your score. If your score still does not update, there is another glitch; try to solve it by uninstalling the app, reinstalling it, and ensuring the glitch is fixed.